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What is the difference between Everything DiSC vs. DISC Classic?

Discovering the traits that define us can be extremely helpful in personal and professional settings. The DISC and Everything DiSC assessments are based on William Moulton Marston's groundbreaking theory outlined in his 1928 book, "Emotions of Normal People." Marston identified four primary emotions and associated behavioral responses, which are now widely accepted as Dominance (D), Influence (i), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C). Understanding our traits allows us to leverage our strengths and work on our weaknesses, leading to more effective communication, teamwork, and personal growth.

New Look

DiSC Models
  • The circle model is more intuitive and memorable.  The shading of the circle better illustrates how we are all D, i, S, and C. The circle model clearly illustrates how we can adapt our behavior and not stick to a preferred style.

  • The assessment is easier, especially for people whose English is not their first language. The questions don’t force you to choose from four words, the two that describe you most and least. It uses a rating scale, which is much easier for most people. Most of the profiles have been updated to use the adapted testing method, providing even greater accuracy and a more personalized report.

  • Using latest technology

  • Highest validity


Old Look

When to consider Use disc
  • You need paper tests for people without computer access.

  • You've already had success with this product.

  • 80-item questionnaire (approximately).

  • Scored on 8 scales.

  • Computerized adaptive testing  --successively selects questions to maximize the precision of the exam based on what is known about the examinee from previous questions.

  • More accurate than DiSC Classic 

  • 28-item forced-choice questionnaire.

  • Scored on 4 scales.


Everything DiSC

DiSC classic

  • Scored results using the DiSC circle model showing relationships between individuals in a straightforward, visual manner.

  • Scored using the traditional graph model. Automatic online results for DiSC Classic 2.0 and DiSC Classic 2.0 Plus. 

  • Better understanding of people in the workplace

  • You have specific training goals related to sales, management, leadership, or other areas.

  • You need to assess a group or pairs of individuals and have access to comparison reports and follow-up tools.

  • YES​

  • YES

  • NO

  • YES​

  • NONE

  • Comparison Reports can be made between two completed Everything DiSC Profiles or more.

  • Use for People Development and understanding people in the workplace even better.

  • If your colleague, friend, customer, or partner has also completed Everything DiSC worldwide, You can use (app) to better understand him or her.

DiSC is a very simple—and memorable—

The model is made up of four basic styles: D, i, S, and C.

Everyone is a blend of all four DiSC styles—usually, one, two, or even three styles stand out. Unlike simple personality tests, there is no perfect DiSC style. Since each person has a unique behavioral profile, people walk around the world with different types and priorities. We believe that these differences are extremely valuable. Once you assess these differences and harness the value, you’ll have better workplace communication AND healthier organizations.  

Sample Circular Models depend on Your Personality 
D Style -  Dominance
  • d

I Styles - Influence
  • i style types are optimistic and brimming with Enthusiasm; they naturally encourage team spirit and often find it easy to get people excited about their goals and ideas. 

  • Friendly and outgoing, they are drawn to projects where they can work with others, valuing collaboration because they believe it leads to better outcomes and makes the job more fun.

  • Team members with the I- style personality also strive to take Action, and their ability to initiate and make gut-instinct decisions can go a long way in keeping the group moving forward.

Compared to those with other styles,  I- style types actively solicit ideas from others and, as a result, are most likely to see team brainstorming sessions as leading to endless possibilities—something that, from their perspective, is a very positive thing. However, because they 

S Styles - Steadiness
  • S-style team members are happy to give Support whenever and wherever they can.

  •  Stability is a key priority for those who tend to be reliable and cautious, preferring a predictable and harmonious environment with minimal surprises.

  • Steady and consistent—more of a rule-follower than a rule-breaker—they take pride in knowing that others count on them to follow through.

  • S styles also strive to be great team players as they focus on Collaboration and making personal connections to create a warm, friendly environment.

However, the strengths and priorities that S-style team members bring to the workplace can also create points of great stress for them and others with whom they work.

C Styles -Conscientiousness
  • C style folks are willing to do whatever it takes to get things right. They refuse to settle for sloppy work

  • C style tend to be self-controlled and cautious, preferring predictable work environments where chaos and uncertainty won’t threaten the quality of their work. Skeptical of risky ideas and of making decisions quickly, they focus on maintaining Stability to produce consistent results.

  • Logical and methodical, they are often the skeptical voice in the group willing to Challenge people to look at things more carefully, to point out problems and flaws

C style’s preference for working in a stable environment where their logic is recognized and high standards are rewarded, every individual can absolutely achieve success in any career, in any setting. Each person simply takes a different path to get there.

***                Reference: Robin Kellogg        ***

Instructional Designer and Trainer, John Wiley and Sons 


Leadership Solutions

  • Work of  Leader

  • 363 for Leader

  • Productive Conflict

About US

DiSC-Thailand offers the Everything DiSC and The Five Behaviors programs to help individuals and teams improve performance. With Everything DiSC, you can gain insights into individual behavioral styles, and with The Five Behaviors, you can improve trust, communication, and accountability.


Our practical and effective approach leads to immediate and lasting growth in your organization. Partner with us for concise, impactful solutions to unlock your team's potential and achieve sustainable success.

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Contact US

MissConsult Company Limited.
Tax ID: 0-13-5-549-00212-3

(head office)

22/2 Soi Sirivanich South Phra Khanong Phra Khanong Bangkok 10260

Office number: 662-125-2959

Mobile: 085-186-2356

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DISC-Thailand is an authorized partner of Everything DiSC® & Five Behaviors TM in Thailand,

Operating under M.I.S.S.CONSULT
©M.I.S.S.CONSULT  2024  | Bangkok | Thailand

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