DiSC Theory

Vertical: level of activity
The vertical dimension is best described as a level of activity ranging from active to thoughtful. People with DiSC® styles at the top of the circle are fast-paced and often described as assertive, dynamic, and bold.
Traditional explanations of the model suggest that these people perceive themselves as more powerful than the environment. Because of this perception, they try to change their circumstances. Conversely, people with styles that fall toward the bottom of the circle tend to be more moderate-paced and are often described as calm, methodical, and careful. Traditionally, these people are thought to perceive themselves as less powerful than the environment, and thus they are more inclined to adapt to existing circumstances.

Horizontal Level of Acceptance
The horizontal dimension runs from questioning to accepting. People with DiSC styles that fall toward the left side of the circle are naturally more skeptical and are often described as logic-focused, objective, and challenging. A traditional explanation of these characteristics is that these people see the environment as antagonistic.
In other words, they instinctively withhold trust from people and ideas until those outside elements can be thoroughly vetted. On the other hand, people with styles on the right side of the circle are naturally more receptive in nature and are often described as people-focused, empathizing, and agreeable. Traditionally, they see the environment as being aligned with their interests. In essence, they are biased in seeing the people and ideas around them as favorable and are thus inclined to trust them.
The four quadrants of DiSC
The D (Dominance) style is active and questioning.
This describes people who are direct, forceful, and outspoken with their opinions.
The i (Influence) style is active and accepting.
It describes outgoing, enthusiastic, and lively people.
The S (Steadiness) style is thoughtful and accepting.
This describes people who are gentle, accommodating, and patient with others’ mistakes.
The C (Conscientiousness) style is thoughtful and questioning.
This describes people who are analytical, reserved, and precise.

Do you ever feel like you're being categorized into one specific personality type? If yes, then the DiSC model is here to help you with that. It emphasizes the continuous nature of personality traits. Instead of considering it as four distinct styles, think of it as a color wheel where the colors blend together seamlessly.
For instance, people with a Di style possess traits of both D and i styles, making them daring and convincing. Similarly, an iD style is charismatic and dynamic, qualities found in both i and D styles.
It's important to note that while discussing DiSC, we always refer to "a person with the D style" instead of calling them a "D." This subtle difference in language prevents individuals from being confined to one particular personality type.
Remember, a person with the D style predominantly displays D traits, but they also possess elements of the other four styles. They can patiently listen to a coworker describe their hurt feelings, even though this is more of an S quality.
So, instead of limiting yourself or others to one personality type, embrace the continuous nature of personality traits and the unique blend of qualities that make you who you are.